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咨询QQ:2083503238、1684129674、480934277(请勿重复咨询) 咨询微信:qiangfans


2018-06-29 15:31:00
原创 2271 投稿得红包

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 1 | 查询所有数据 

select * from Info 查所有数据

select Code,Name from Info 查特定列

 2 | 根据条件查 

select * from Info where Code='p001' 一个条件查询

select * from Info where Code='p001' and Nation='n001' 多条件 并关系 查询

select * from Info where Name='胡军' or Nation='n001' 多条件 或关系 查询

select * from Car where Price>=50 and Price<=60 范围查询

select * from Car where Price between 50 and 60 范围查询

 3 | 模糊查询 

select * from Car where Name like '%型' %通配符代表任意多个字符

select * from Car where Name like '%奥迪%' _通配符代表任意一个字符

select * from Car where Name like '_马%'

 4| 排序 

select * from Car order by Price asc 按照价格升序排列

select * from Car order by Price desc 按照价格降序排列

select * from Car order by Price,Oil 按照两列进行排序,前面的为主要的

 5 | 统计函数(聚合函数)

select count(Code) from Car 查询表中有多少条数据

select max(Price) from Car 取价格的最大值

select min(Price) from Car 取价格的最小值

select sum(Price) from Car 取价格的总和

select avg(Price) from Car 取价格的平均值

 6 | 分组查询 

select Brand from Car group by Brand having count(*)>2 查询所有系列中数量大于2的

 7 | 分页查询 

select * from Car limit 0,5 跳过几条数据取几条数据

 8 | 去重查询 

select distinct Brand from Car

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